Scholarship support

Scholarship support


Scholarship support

Tutors who attended university in the UK on scholarships from Yanai Tadashi Foundation, Sasakawa Peace Foundation and Tazaki Foundation will give advice on essays and other topics.

Hear from a senior who has just been accepted on a scholarship!



Comparison of three foundations

All foundations offer scholarships for high school students of Japanese nationality to study at universities overseas (bachelor’s degree) without the obligation to repay.



Yanai Tadashi Foundation and Sasakawa Peace Foundation

The two foundations are intended for students who will enrol in a university undergraduate course in the following academic year. Students are not eligible to enter university via a foundation course, which is a common method of study from Japanese high schools, and must have completed an international curriculum such as A-level or IB, which is recognised as a university entrance qualification.

→How to enter an overseas university from Japan.


Eligible universities in the United Kingdom (entry Autumn 2025):.

University of Oxford

University of Cambridge

Imperial College London

University College London (UCL)

King ‘s College London

London School of Economics (LSE)

University of Edinburgh

*Sasakawa Peace Foundation only has four schools marked with ★.



Tazaki Foundation

The scholarship is aimed at students who have entered a public school (high school) in the UK, completed their A-levels and are aiming to study at prestigious universities such as Oxford and Cambridge. The difference between the two foundations is that, in addition to university fees, the Foundation also provides a non-repayable scholarship for two years of A-level study.


Destination public school:

Kingswood School

Christ’s Hospital

Fettes College



Websites of the respective foundations

柳井正財団 海外奨学金プログラム
公益財団法人 Tazaki財団 Official Website



Further information

Read more about the three foundations’ scholarships in this article.


Article on scholarships for high school and university study in the UK.


[Scholarships to study in the UK] 3 scholarships available for formal study at high school/university!

